Reeds Brook Middle School News


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Hello Reeds Brook Families

The 2023-24 school year promises to be another great year at Reeds Brook! Building from our efforts last year to increase connection and engagement, we will continue to focus on belonging. Every year, I am impressed with our middle schoolers – their desire to learn fuels their  intellectual and social development. The Reeds Brook staff work together to create a supportive environment that challenges all students to achieve individual success, making our school’s mission come alive in classrooms. Reeds Brook is truly a great place to learn and grow!

We continue to foster that “Attendance Matters.” Regular attendance is linked to high student achievement. When absent, students miss opportunities for peer learning experiences and teacher instruction. We encourage all students to come to school every day!

Thank you to our families for all their support! We look forward to a productive year of working together.


Susan Thibedeau

