Grade Six Curriculum Benchmarks
Art History ; Post Impressions, Vincent vanGogh
Color Theory;Tints, shade, hue, gradation monochromatic Color Scheme
Elements of Art; Color, line, Value, Shape and form
Principle of Design; Movement, Contrast and Pattern
Creative Thinking Skills ; Fluency and Originality
Grade Seven Curriculum Benchmarks
Art History ; Renaissance , Leonardo DaVinci, Proportion, Interior One Point Perspective
Color Theory; Warm and Cool Color Schemes
Elements of Art; Color, line, shape , form,value and texture
Principle of Design; , Balance, Contrast and Pattern
Creative Thinking Skills ; Fluency, Elaboration and Originality
Eighth Grade Art Curriculum Benchmarks
Art History ; Modernism , Abstraction,
Color Theory; Color Schemes
Elements of Art; Color, line, shape , form, Value, Texture and Space
2 Point Perspective
Principle of Design; Movement, Balance, Contrast and Pattern
Creative Thinking Skills ; Fluency, Elaboration and Originality.